How to legally use a phone while driving – Australia 2020

Tougher penalties have started rolling out across the nation for mobile phone use while driving. New camera technology to catch mobile phone users has also been introduced. This isn’t a new law about phone usage but rather stronger enforcement of the law. As an example, the usage of Google Maps safely and legally would require it to be completely voice-controlled and in a ‘commercially designed and manufactured mount’. This article is aimed at ensuring you can legally and safely still use a GPS navigational aid (vehicle GPS or smartphone).

State New Fine Demerit Points lost
QLD $1000* 4
SA $554 3
NT $500 3
VIC $496 4
ACT $480 3
WA $400 3
NSW $344 5
TAS $336 3

As of 01/02/2020*

What are my options for using a navigator legally?

You have a couple of options available to avoid these new fines and drive legally while still retaining a useful navigational aid. One option is to go with a dedicated vehicle GPS capable of voice commands like the Garmin DriveSmart series – I’ll have a list below of GPS units capable of voice activation. Another option is to use your phone with hands-free voice commands in a ‘commercially designed mount’.

usage as a navigational aid as long as it’s in a secure mount and hands-free usage.
Joel Clement:
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